
We invite everyone to an ama-session with Dr. Jaba Tkemaladze from Georgia Longevity Alliance.

Published March 31, 2023
Categories: ELC
Eternity Life Clinics - We invite everyone to an ama-session with Dr. Jaba Tkemaladze from Georgia Longevity Alliance.

Dr. Jaba Tkemaladze from Georgia Longevity Alliance will talk about technologies of stem cell transplantation. Welcome if you are interested in this topic!

Dr. Jaba Tkemaladze – Founder, Researcher, Head of Human Rejuvenation Technology Development in Longevity Clinic Georgia

“Rejuvenation and prolongation of human lifespan through permanent transplantations of adult stem cells. The network of clinics will provide a cycle of rejuvenation and a life prolongation process for people. Existing technologies of safe adult stem cell transplantation from bodies of young organisms to aged organisms often display the reactions of transplant rejection, proving the unreliability of the approach to prolonging the human lifespan. We offer technology for permanent transplantation of induced adult stem cells of all kinds not being rejected as transplantation of one’s own induced adult stem cells can be carried out successfully as many times as necessary. Duly accomplishment of all the procedures will guarantee the prolongation of the human lifespan by at least 30%”, – he said.

When: 31.03.2023
At what time: 16:00 (GMT+3)
About: Rejuvenation and prolongation of human lifespan through permanent adult stem cells transplantation

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